Page 8 - 2017-Fall Vintage RVing
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The Womanless Wedding200220032004GMCMI ChoirNita Bryant with pianist, Carol Baxter, organize first choir at Spring Convention in Mobile, Alabama.MemorableTheatrical PerformancesGMCMI attendees have enjoyed participating and watching many performances directed by Trula Bingham, Marty Samsel, and Lucy Weidner.First Red HatFirst Red Hat Ladies Tea held at Spring Convention in Mobile, Alabama.Ladies later named their group the “GMC Roaming Red Hatters”.The last Red Hat Ladies Tea was held at the 2010 Fall Convention in DuQuoin, Illinois.Some of the Red Hatters at the last Red Hat Tea at the 2010 Fall Convention in DuQuoin, Illinois.Womanless WeddingMarty Samsel and Trula Bingham organized a cast of men at the Fall Convention in Goshen, Indiana,to perform the “Womanless Wedding”.A list of the cast can be found at womanless-wedding.Ralph Luby RetiresThe Las Vegas Convention was the last triumph ina series of 22 years and 44 Conventions. In recognition of his dedicated service, Ralph was presented with a gold pocket watch and desk watch hanger to display it. He also was awarded a Life Membershipin GMCMI.New VP AdministrationIn January, Emery Stora became GMCMI’s new VP Administation.200220048 GMC VINTAGE RVING MAGAZINE | GMCMI.COM

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