Commercial Vehicles - GMCMI

Commercial Vehicles

Whether it was originally a Transmode or a revamped GMC Motorhome, many of these vehicles were/are used for other purposes than RVing.

>> 1973 – 23’ GMC Glacier Motorhome

As featured in the 2019 Summer Issue of GMC Vintage RVing magazine. Click here to read article. The Hunter House Hamburgers, established in 1952, located in Birmingham, Michigan along historic Woodward Avenue in Metro Detroit.

>> 1977 – Sunny 102 | WKQS FM

Kenneth B. Smith’s rig in it’s previous life.

>> Fire and EMS

 >> Please Help Us!

GMCMI along with GMC Motorhome Historian Bill Bryant are working on compiling additional information on the Transmodes or revamped GMC Motorhomes. If you currently or previously owned one of these and have documentation and/or photos, we ask that you please do share them with the GMC Community. Please contact us at or 612-501-4600. Thank you.